Everything is exercise.

Today’s tall order task was to wash the dog. The King and Miss Gremlin went for a 2 1/2 hour walk in central park yesterday. It was hot, over 100F. Poor TD was exhausted, although really enjoyed swimming in any and every water source available to him, including the boat basin! When they got home they were all covered in …

Freakin’ Laundry

It has been said by those who shall remain nameless that I have a little obsession. It is said I love to do laundry, I’m always doing laundry, Molley and her laundry. So just to clear this up I detest freakin’ laundry. That being said I do A LOT of laundry.

Sticking to a Budget

Over the years we’ve made many family budgets, vowing to keep track of our money and save by knowing where every cent goes. Yeah right! We go well for about a month and then it’s out the window. Countless times this has happened. Still we try. It’s quite scary to see where the bulk of your money goes, it’s never …