Homeschooling is the current buzz word. But it’s a scary word……It conjures up Laura Ingalls dress wearing, husband sharing, religious freak images….Doesn’t it? It’s for people on the fringe of society, those who think mainstream isn’t for them. And for the most part they are teased, the brunt of jokes and ostracised by society…….I’m guilty of it. No doubt. But …
Vote For Me, Homework will be Illegal …….
That’s it… I’m a crappy mother. I can’t do anything right. Nobody ever listens to me… Yeah yeah, I know, this is not true. I’m a good mum and I do my best and most of the time it’s enough, my kids are kind and loving and polite and intelligent and special and beautiful (on the inside, of course)
The proposed RV Trip
For some time now the King has been saying we should go on a road trip in an RV,(recreational vehicle) not unlike the Robin Williams movie RV. The Princess lives in trembling fear of this and we use it against her all the time. 🙂 Bad parents. Of course I think it would be totally crazy driving across the country …