I got talking to someone recently about the Crocodile Hunter, it was probably in an interview I did, and it reminded me of an adventure we had just before we left Australia. So I thought I’d share it in case you ever get to go. Because you know you want to…
The Never-ending Stomach Virus and yummy Chicken Soup!
Mondays…. Ugh they’re hard any old week but coming off the back of Thanksgiving and 4 blissful days of relaxing and sleeping then they’re doubly difficult. Add to that the fact that you’ve had a child in and out of the pain of a stomach virus that just won’t go away and then you know how my morning is going.
When You Let Them Fly Free
Hump Day is here again, and in the theme of that and Summer and travel I am sharing a post about the time Grand Master D took his first subway ride alone. It was exciting and scary ….. Here’s how he did! Happy Hump Day, Don’t forget to hook up an old post to the Hump Day Hook Up
It Smells like Puberty Around Here-Ewww
It been pretty hot lately and the children have been spending plenty of time under water and so haven’t really be worrying too much about actual bathing, you know like with soap and forget about putting deodorant on. Not to mention it’s been Miss Gremlin’s only relief during her week of stomach pain. So I haven’t really been paying attention.
Are We There Yet?
Seriously, this school year will NOT DIE… Yesterday was a half day. Brilliant idea. Make the kids get up on a Monday morning to go to school until 11:30. These guys are smokin’ crack! I may need some soon but this is how we’re limping to the finish line….
Meaningless Monday Memories
I’m calling tonight Meaningless Monday Memories…. I worked really hard today on other people’s stuff so here’s some cute stuff for you just to go AWWW! It’s all I got 😉 My family of pirates… arrrrghhh
I Don’t Even Know What This Means!
This conversation really happened. I’m not really sure who is the most embarrassed… maybe you can decide. Driving out of town on friday afternoon, now you know that driving can get a bit boring but along the way there are things to distract and give amusement.
Our first official summer outing was had this weekend….and it was good! We went over night to the Hamptons, I know, so pretentious… but we have friends out there and it’s fun. We chose to drive out friday after the kids got out of school but the traffic was against us and it was a 5 hour trip… WTF people… …
I’m Gonna Need A BIG Stick
Do you ever go shopping for something and come out with something completely different? I swear that’s our M.O……every damn time. We were out doing touristy stuff for a friend on the weekend, in the city, they needed the quintessential shots with some promo material, we were happy to oblige.
Boundary Realignment is the New Fight.
Yesterday was not a good communications day for the King and I. He already has an attention span that is minimal at best, picture a ferret on crack, team that with zero patience and you get ….”