The Never-ending Stomach Virus and yummy Chicken Soup!

Mondays…. Ugh they’re hard any old week but coming off the back of Thanksgiving and 4 blissful days of relaxing and sleeping then they’re doubly difficult. Add to that the fact that you’ve had a child in and out of the pain of a stomach virus that just won’t go away and then you know how my morning is going.

Let me plot a timeline for you… I’m not complaining, this is life as a parent but sometimes you just need more coffee or something.

6:15…. ignore the alarm

6:38 … accept fate and get up

6:45 Wander downstairs , check facebook, email and generally revel in the 5 minutes quiet time

6:50 Go wake the children and hope they are A ok for school as they both complained of stomach pains last night. Walk into the bedroom to find Miss gremlin fully dressed back in her bed watching tv and Grand Master D standing up in his bed.

7:00 Serve breakfast to her while he continues his intimate relationship with the bathroom.

7:15 Dose her with stomach calm to quell the pains. Try to gauge if she’s foxing so she can have a day off because he’s had so much time. She plops herself on the couch under the blanket but the smile gives her away when I call her out as a faker.

7:20 Hurry Grand Master D out of the shower, offer breakfast which he refuses.

7:50 Grand Master D relinquishes his hold on the bathroom so Miss Gremlin can have a turn. I then dose her up and send her on her way… No temp, no vomit, no stay home.

7:55 Get angry and frustrated AS USUAL because he’s not ready and then he announces he needs the bathroom again. sigh.. What is this fresh hell I’ve stepped into?

8:02 Break into the bathroom because of the screaming… Find him in the fetal position, double dose him with stomach calm. Spend the next 15 minutes rubbing his back while he alternates between the toilet and the floor. Administer another dose. Finally it’s does it’s job well enough that he thinks he can at least get to school long enough to turn in the high school application due today. So we walk slowly to school, stopping along the way to buy a vitamin water and ginger ale to quell the dizzy spells due to no food.ginger

We arrive at school late, naturally around 8:40, meet the Advisor in the hall and go to his office to finish the application. Grand Master D has some colour in his cheeks and feels mostly ok, so I walk him to his classroom and head home.

Knowing full well that at some point he’ll be home, I stop into the supermarket to get stuff to make the chicken soup that he’ll live on for the next couple of days.

Once I drop off the groceries, I take Sir Lickalot out for a walk in the park. It’s a beautiful morning, not too cold so we extend into Central park and walk for about 45 minutes.

Just as I walk in the door I receive a call from the school nurse. Grand Master D has made his way to her and the pains are back, so I get my shoes and coat back on and head to school. Calling the doctor on the way. The walk home is slow as I support him.

He’s deposited back in the bathroom while I get the soup going.

chicken soup

No word from Miss Gremlin, so she’s either fine or suffering in silence.

Oh and the doctor called back…. Happy Rotavirus to us!

How’s your Monday?


Comments 15

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  1. Yikes. All you needed was some sort of invasive internal exam (pap smear anyone?), and you could officially douse that day with gasoline and light a match. Hope everyone is feeling better soon! P.S., Vodka = antiseptic drink. But I know you knew that.

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  2. ROTAVIRUS!!! That is AWFUL, Molley! I hope you all are coming out of the dregs by now:(. About 2 weeks ago I was nursing 3 sick girls back to health, not worried at all about getting sick. And don’t you know that now I sit here with the same damn cold feeling like a bag…until I read your post! Rotavirus takes the cake. I hope you all rest and feel better SOON.

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