So the 14th is almost upon us again. The day for lovers …. St Valentine’s day. The Victoria Secret catalogues are coming in thick and fast, so why are the children at school making cards for it? It’s creepy.
10 Ways to Organise A Teen
So it has become apparent that Grand Master D has no organisations skills. None, zip, nada. Yeah I know I should have seen this coming but honestly, I had no idea they weren’t teaching this stuff in school, because that makes sense right. That’s where they are 8 hours a day, surely in that time there would be some instruction …
Unintended Consequences-A Guest Post
Today I am featuring a post from a blogger friend, this incident happened recently and because she didn’t feel comfortable posting on her own blog where the woman involved may see it, I offered her a voice.
Almost Done!
Today has been filled with busy end of year stuff. Firstly, checking Grand Master D into his week of intense film study and then heading back to school for Miss Gremlin’s award ceremony. She’s awesome, suited herself up like this for the occasion.
I am a Mama Bear
I went Mama Bear on a kid the other day. I happened to be at the school delivering Grand Master D‘s lunch and saw Miss Gremlin lined up. She looked a little sad but I let it go. Then a teacher called me over and told me a girl was kicking her at lunch time.
Are We There Yet?
Seriously, this school year will NOT DIE… Yesterday was a half day. Brilliant idea. Make the kids get up on a Monday morning to go to school until 11:30. These guys are smokin’ crack! I may need some soon but this is how we’re limping to the finish line….
School’s Over When the Tests are Done
You guys got pretty riled up the other week when I posted about these ridiculous state tests and the Common Core standards, so if we’re gonna talk education, let’s get all the cards out on the table. Is this what your child’s education looks like? no spelling tests no grammar no times tables by rote no show and tell no …
The Education Elephant is in the Room and He’s Sitting on Me…Again
This might be a whiny, ranty bitch session about education, so if this is not near or dear to your heart or you wanna tell me to suck it up… move along because today I own these feelings and I need to get them out. However I will try to stay coherent.
For the Love of Saint Valentine
This year is screaming along at a pace I wasn’t expecting. Here it is the last week of January. How did we get here? Next week is February, the month of love. Do you partake in the Valentine tradition? Are you all gushy and need to show your Valentine you love them on February 14? Don’t get me wrong, I …
Edging toward Homeschool- Somebody please Stop me!
Homeschooling is the current buzz word. But it’s a scary word……It conjures up Laura Ingalls dress wearing, husband sharing, religious freak images….Doesn’t it? It’s for people on the fringe of society, those who think mainstream isn’t for them. And for the most part they are teased, the brunt of jokes and ostracised by society…….I’m guilty of it. No doubt. But …