Miss Gremlin and Grand Master D have taken to reading jokes to us at the dinner table and it’s fun.
10 Ways to Organise A Teen
So it has become apparent that Grand Master D has no organisations skills. None, zip, nada. Yeah I know I should have seen this coming but honestly, I had no idea they weren’t teaching this stuff in school, because that makes sense right. That’s where they are 8 hours a day, surely in that time there would be some instruction …
Pull Your Damn Pants Up
The ‘pants on the ground’ thing is getting old people! Enough already. I just hate it, and I swear every season they just keep getting lower. How did this even become a fashion thing?
He’s Flapping His Wings…..But I’m Not Ready
Last Night Grand Master D went on the subway by himself. He was keen to do it but a little nervous too. The plan was to meet the King down on Chambers street. They were going to the Tribecca Film Festival. That’s a long ride from Harlem!
Little Girl Meltdowns and Crabby Mamas
The last few days have been a hormone fueled crap fest. Miss Gremlin is 8 and all those new hormones are starting to move around in her body, she’s happy then sad, angry and needy…….SHE’S 8! Lord help me.