If you give your child an ipad, you better makes some rules. Don’t let them go to bed with it, or they’ll be late to school.
I’m Gonna Need A BIG Stick
Do you ever go shopping for something and come out with something completely different? I swear that’s our M.O……every damn time. We were out doing touristy stuff for a friend on the weekend, in the city, they needed the quintessential shots with some promo material, we were happy to oblige.
He’s Flapping His Wings…..But I’m Not Ready
Last Night Grand Master D went on the subway by himself. He was keen to do it but a little nervous too. The plan was to meet the King down on Chambers street. They were going to the Tribecca Film Festival. That’s a long ride from Harlem!
Outside Influences
When your children are little, their whole world revolves around you. You are the most important thing in their lives, the source of food, comfort and survival. As they grow of course, this changes. At 3 they want to be independent and everything is no and I can do it. By 5 they’re off to school and they turn to …
It’s Easier to Pull Teeth with Barbed Wire than get my 8yr old to Wash.
My kid must be allergic to water or soap or maybe both. I can’t think of any other reason. She has the fun products to use in the bathroom. The bubbles for the bath or the shower gel when she’s feeling in a more grown up mood. Nothing is helping. I coax, I bribe, I yell, I barge in and …
Sibling Squabbling.
Over the last few months the harmony in the household has shifted. Hormones have come into play. Our boy is becoming a young man and feels the instincts to lead and be a protector. This is completely normal and part of the passage to adulthood. The trouble is he’s using those new skills on his little sister and she’s none …
The Independence Bug
Grand Master D and little Miss Gremlin have taken themselves off to the movies this morning. They didn’t need me. Just my money 🙂 It’s funny how one minute they can be at each others throats, like yesterday, then today they are a united front against the world……. Or Harlem or the 10 blocks between the cinema and home. It’s …