After his sick day off school and finishing the homework I made him do anyway, Grand Master D started teaching his sister the lattice method of multiplication and algebra! I haven’t seen this in a very long time… they are working together, using the chalk board they haven’t used for ages. The room magic continues……….it’s amazing 🙂 I have no …
10 Reasons Homework Sucks
School is back and we’re all getting on with our daily lives. With the new year comes a new set of responsibilities for our kids. This year Grand Master D is in 7th grade (OMG, he was just starting kindergarten last week, right?) and  Miss Gremlin is in 3rd grade, the first testing grade in New York state. So the …
Creepy Crawlies
With the start of the school year comes all those dreaded things we loath about school. The mountains of forms to fill out, the homework we know is gonna end in tears, the bully that often rears his or her head early in the term and those nasty little buggers…. Head Lice. Don’t you just hate it when the letter …
5 Things I’m Gonna do When the Kids Go Back to School
Let’s face it , we’re all happy the summer is over. As parents, the long summer break is daunting and oh so painful. Yes at first we’re all happy to be done with the school year and the early mornings, lunches and all that goes with it. The novelty of that wears off within a week or 2 and there’s …
Fundraising Winner……
As school begins this week, we’ll be inundated with information, curriculum nights, PTA meetings, school lunch forms. The pressure will start for funding raising ideas. Every school goes through it. Budget cuts get deeper every year and the shortfall has to be made up somewhere. Here’s a simple fundraising idea that is easy to implement and everyone can contribute. Boxtops…. …
Is it Time for School YET? or Please Let School Start Before I go Insane
We’re on the countdown for school to start. We’ve been home 4 days and Miss Gremlin has asked me 15 times if we’re going supplies shopping yet. I can’t even begin to think about facing that. Why is it so hard, why is everyone leaving it to the last minute? WHY do I have to fight 10 aggravated moms for …
It’s Good to be Appreciated
The other day the school hosted a Parent Appreciation Breakfast. It was fun.. I got this.
Moving into the tween almost teen years is really testing my resolve. I am going to have to hit the books to solve these problems. I’ve got the sleeping, tantrum little kid thing down but this age is all new to me and it’s hard. I battled for an hour this morning with Grand Master D who insisted he was …
The Chaperone Experience
Today was one of the many field trips for the kids winding down to the end of the year. I went along as a chaperone, as I have many times before. This trip was to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and have ice cream from the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory. Let me tell you that walking across the Brooklyn Bridge …
School’s Almost Out
It’s been a hectic year, school has had the better part of me since September. I became the PTA treasurer, yeah I know , what was I thinking? Well clearly I wasn’t. It’s a bigger job than you think. Yesterday saw the culmination of 6 months of work. Our biggest fund raiser of the year, the Spring Carnival. This year …