Almost Done!

Today has been filled with busy end of year stuff. Firstly, checking Grand Master D into his week of intense film study and then heading back to school for Miss Gremlin’s award ceremony. She’s awesome, suited herself up like this for the occasion.


the outfit

She did so well this year, and has grown so much. We’re very proud. Here are her awards.


Grand Master D had his ceremony last week and he received this one, quite fitting don’t you think?

film making award

Comments 9

  1. Every time I see her, she looks more and more like you, Molley.

    You have awesome kids, but they have an amazeballs Mommy <3

    Oh, and cause lazy/busy I read your other post and died fucking laughing, but I was in the car and couldn't comment at the time. I'm typing this out as I cook, like a boss, and so there's two comments on one post and later I'll give you a proper comment on your beard in the right place. XoXo

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  2. I love the end of school year awards, they are brilliant! These awards definitely leave kids with a sense of pride and happiness within themselves! Thanks so much for sharing!

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