Friday’s tragedy still weighs very heavily on my heart, as the details emerge, the senseless loss of life is still so hard to process. The young man was mentally unstable, his mother owned the guns, she died first in his rampage. The reasons he chose that school are unknown and will probably never be known.
When Will this End?
UPDATED* I cannot believe that I am writing about this again. The last time I wrote about it, 6 months ago, 12 people lost their lives in a movie theatre, innocently watching the midnight session of The Dark Knight Rises, when some crazed gunman entered with a semi automatic and just mowed people down. 58 others were injured. It was …
When He Thanks Me at the Oscars
When you live in a house full of creatives, and you’re one yourself, then you get to do different stuff. It’s just like that.. Grand Master D has an unscheduled day off school, no he’s not sick, it’s not a half day… there’s no hurricane or snow day, his 7th grade class has a field trip today. He didn’t want …
Not Why We Do It
On Monday I went on a field trip with Miss Gremlin’s class, you can read about that here, it was quite fun, far less painful than some trips I’ve been on. Going on trips with kids is hard, especially when I’m a bit OCD on behaviour. It makes me crazy, but I do it because I’m available and I know …
Funny Kid Phobias….The Things That Eat Our Sanity
We all have phobias, right, cos we’re all a little strange. Some are stranger than others. There’s the obvious ones, freaked out by buttons, can’t eat a banana out of the skin, like to sit in tight spaces, can’t poop in public. Petrified of rodents, snakes, spiders. There’s thousands of them. Google it and you may never get anything done …
A Trip Back in Time
Today I was a chaperone to Miss Gremlin’s 3rd grade trip to the Museum of Natural History. I’m not a big Art Gallery or Museum goer, I know, I live in a city with some of the worlds best museums and galleries ……. I’ve been to many but I’ll admit, only to you, that it’s not really my thing. WHAT! …
Vote For Me, Homework will be Illegal …….
That’s it… I’m a crappy mother. I can’t do anything right. Nobody ever listens to me… Yeah yeah, I know, this is not true. I’m a good mum and I do my best and most of the time it’s enough, my kids are kind and loving and polite and intelligent and special and beautiful (on the inside, of course)
Post Hurricane in Pictures
We weathered the Hurricane, we came through the other side safely, albiet a little unnerved. We retained power, although for about a 20 minute period the lights threatened to go out. It was our first experience and all things considered we are very lucky. This afternoon, because I couldn’t cope any more with the restlessness, we ventured out in the …
The Weight of the World
Here it is again, that one day of the week the whole world hates. ….MONDAY ……The energy, or lack of, is palpable. Everyone is tired and cranky, in a rush and usually late. Things always seem to go wrong on Monday mornings when you’re trying to get organised.
The Kids Are Foxing…… I Think………..But How Do You Really Tell?
At what point do you believe your kids are sick? Is it when they say I’m sick in the tummy but they have no temperature and they haven’t vomited? Do you believe them at 7am Monday morning when they have been perfectly fine all weekend? Do you negotiate until they’re late then let them stay home?