The North East has copped another pounding. Winter storm Athena has dumped record snow fall for November. 4 inches in Central Park. Some places received as much as 10 inches! More power outages and that has compounded problems for those still homeless from Hurricane Sandy. Whatever the reason, it’s almost more than a Koala can bear!
The Show Must Go On……… But Should It?
This Sunday, less than a week after the worst storm EVER hit New York and New Jersey, The New York Marathon will still go ahead. As of right now, Thursday, there is still no power below 23rd street, there is still flood water covering lower Manhattan.
Hump Day Halloween
The kids are excited, the costumes are ready. The candy bowl by the door is full, in anticipation of dozens of little hands reaching in for goodies. Your spooky sign is out…..
Post Hurricane in Pictures
We weathered the Hurricane, we came through the other side safely, albiet a little unnerved. We retained power, although for about a 20 minute period the lights threatened to go out. It was our first experience and all things considered we are very lucky. This afternoon, because I couldn’t cope any more with the restlessness, we ventured out in the …
We’re in Hurricane Lockdown
We’re here, still waiting on Hurricane Sandy. School was cancelled, so it was a lazy morning. An extended weekend. The announcement has just gone out that there will be no school tomorrow either! The winds are really starting to really pick up but we’re still waiting for any significant rain….Sandy is still 2 hours off the coast. We’re keeping the …
Frankenstorm………….Another Halloween Interrupted
Last year on Halloween we had a freak snowstorm. It was our only storm. 8 inches of wet snow on all those autumn leaves.. Yeah we had a couple of little snows over the rest of the winter but not much. It was a strange sight, Halloween trick or treating in snow boots? Yep, but we coped, and still got …