Insert Fanfare here………….. We get all our information off facebook 🙂 . But she has returned, for an undisclosed amount of time. It’s great to have the opportunity to live between countries when you’re young. It gives you a chance to really decide where you want to be. I wish I’d had that opportunity as a 23 year old. At …
A Family Who Eats Together, Walks Together.
New York is a walking town. If you don’t like to walk, seriously don’t come here, you’ll be miserable. Trust me I know. The first time I came I was 16 weeks pregnant with Miss Gremlin. Grand Master D was 3 and we walked everywhere! I was pissed about it though because I wasn’t used to it, I was pregnant, …
10 Cool ‘Holiday’ Things to do in NYC
It’s that time of year, when everyone breaks out the Christmas decorations, hang their lights and decorate their homes until they drop. New holiday movies come out, they show reruns of ‘A Charlie Brown’ everything and ‘A Christmas Story’, the apparent  Christmas classic which is just weird to us 🙂 ……..
The Show Must Go On……… But Should It?
This Sunday, less than a week after the worst storm EVER hit New York and New Jersey, The New York Marathon will still go ahead. As of right now, Thursday, there is still no power below 23rd street, there is still flood water covering lower Manhattan.