Last year on Halloween we had a freak snowstorm. It was our only storm. 8 inches of wet snow on all those autumn leaves.. Yeah we had a couple of little snows over the rest of the winter but not much. It was a strange sight, Halloween trick or treating in snow boots? Yep, but we coped, and still got candy.
This year we’re staring down the barrel of Hurricane Sandy, which has been dubbed Frankestorm, a record storm.
This storm is the largest in diameter ever on record in the Atlantic ocean, it’s converging with 2 other storms later this afternoon. You can see the track here .
We’re watching the announcements right now and the Mayor has called a mandatory evacuation in some low lying areas. This is an historic event in NYC, only the second time ever that they have called for mandatory evacuations.
So they’re taking it seriously. And we are too, but where we are, I think we’re pretty safe.
We’re heading out soon to brave the worst of the storm ……………at the grocery store. Where people will be whipped up into a frenzy by the media. Where they will be freaking out and buying the strangest stuff.
If by chance we lose power we’ll need non perishable food, fresh water.. and CASH.
The city transport system is shutting down at 7pm tonight, no buses or subway trains. School is closed tomorrow…
Until Sandy hits, we wait, like a life on hold. The worst part is the not knowing…. When Irene hit, she didn’t impact us at all and so we wonder will it be the same? Are the media just foaming at the mouth for a story? Scaring people needlessly? Driving up sales?
We must be prepared. It’s the responsible thing to do but it is also important to remain calm and rational. For us, in a high rise apartment building, we will be ok. For those in low lying areas and houses in the boroughs, they are looking at different scenarios.
So we wait and pray it will not be as bad as they predict.
By Wednesday, we should be able to trick or treat, we should be back to normal but there’ll be some whose lives will be in disarray, depending on how hard our area is hit.
Whatever happens Frankenstorm will be in the history books.
Please stay safe.
Comments 2
Stay safe!
Very scary. Thinking safe thoughts for your safety. Keep us posted on Twitter!