So the 14th is almost upon us again. The day for lovers …. St Valentine’s day. The Victoria Secret catalogues are coming in thick and fast, so why are the children at school making cards for it? It’s creepy.
Why Isn’t the Entree at the Beginning? And Other Culinary Things We Don’t Understand
I had a question from a reader on my new EXPAT journey: Question: What was the strangest food item or most difficult culinary challenges you faced when you moved here? Good question Lucy and a really easy one to answer. When we came here for the first time, before moving here, I was pregnant with Miss Gremlin and Grand Master D …
English isn’t English In America
I like to think that in the course of 7 years, (yep, 7… time sure flies when you’re having ….whatever this is…….) that I’ve assimilated to American life. Most days, I know what I’m doing, can find what I want and speak to many and varied folks with nary a hint of bother.