Creepy Crawlies

With the start of the school year comes all those dreaded things we loath about school. The mountains of forms to fill out, the homework we know is gonna end in tears, the bully that often rears his or her head early in the term and those nasty little buggers…. Head Lice. Don’t you just hate it when the letter …

Fundraising Winner……

As school begins this week, we’ll be inundated with information, curriculum nights, PTA meetings, school lunch forms. The pressure will start for funding raising ideas. Every school goes through it. Budget cuts get deeper every year and the shortfall has to be made up somewhere. Here’s a simple fundraising idea that is easy to implement and everyone can contribute. Boxtops…. …

Sticking to a Budget

Over the years we’ve made many family budgets, vowing to keep track of our money and save by knowing where every cent goes. Yeah right! We go well for about a month and then it’s out the window. Countless times this has happened. Still we try. It’s quite scary to see where the bulk of your money goes, it’s never …