There are certain kitchen cupboards which are hard to organise.
Who doesn’t have a plastics cupboard that looks like mine? I can’t be the only one.
If you don’t, then I hate you and envy you all at the same time and you have an OCD issue. There I said it. 🙂
But really, HOW do you do it?
Whatever I do, my plastics cupboard ends up like this.
Things falling out, lids inaccessible. I know there are products for organising such messes and I might just have to look into something. Yep, I really think I will this time.
I use all of this. I can’t survive without it.
Actually I think I have a problem 🙂
This cupboard has been a problem for a long time. There are things in there that I got from my grandma and although that’s cool to have, I’ve never used them and so to be realistic they just have to go. Besides Grandma has been gone 8 years. That’s a long time to not use something.
My purge pile is tiny but I’m trying hard 🙂
See it’s better. I can organise the hell out of my plastics, yes I can…………………
It might last a week.
I need a plastics intervention.
My name is Molley and I have a plastics problem.
If I could just bring myself to step inside an IKEA all my problems would be solved, wouldn’t they? -This is what I hear on the street.
But I can’t, I won’t be herded like a sheep. I’m the herder, not the sheep.
And so my plastics cupboard will forever try to kill me,
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