All the Cool Kids Play Chess

I can announce it now, I’ve been holding it in for a while, Miss Gremlin is going to Chess Nationals in Dallas next month. She was selected along with 9 other students from her school to compete against children from around the country. It’s a pretty big deal.

And the Wheel just keeps on Turning

We’ve had a huge roller coaster of a week and weekend. If you know us at all, you know that normal shit just doesn’t happen here. We have things going on that few people would believe. Sometimes they come off, sometimes they don’t but it’s all kinds of crazy pretty often. 

Feeling Overwhelmed

Nothing exciting to report here. Well both kids are at home sick again today. Grand Master D went yesterday but I had to force him and he still called at lunch to come home. I don’t know what’s wrong, both are complaining of stomach pain and diarrhea and vomiting on and off.

So here’s the Thing about Collective Power.

We’re having a showdown here in Harlem at the moment. There’s a local family list serve that people use for information and discussions, which is great. I find out many things happening in the area. It’s good to be informed. I know about the recent hold ups for iphones in the park and can now avoid that area. I know …

10 Reasons We Should Be Selfish for a Change

Every day I look around, read articles, talk to friends, live it…. and I find that we women really don’t look after ourselves enough. The kids get sick and we dote on them and God help us if the husband goes down,…. no not like THAT! I’m talking about ‘manflu’!

Hypochondria is the only thing He doesn’t have!

When kids get sick they tend to exaggerate a little, right? Whether it be for the extra ice pop or the extra cuddle or more tv time even when they’re really sick they take advantage… It’s the kid thing to do. But what happens when your kid is old enough to google his symptoms?  Well I can tell you it …

Teaching Boys to Respect Women Despite our Current Culture

This morning I had an interesting conversation with Grand Master D. I’ve been wanting to have it for a while now but there’s never a ‘right’ time to bring it up. It’s not like it’s dinner conversation, you know … how was school and oh yeah don’t rape girls.

10 Ways to Organise A Teen

So it has become apparent that Grand Master D has no organisations skills. None, zip, nada. Yeah I know I should have seen this coming but honestly, I had no idea they weren’t teaching this stuff in school, because that makes sense right. That’s where they are 8 hours a day, surely in that time there would be some instruction …

A Devastating Tyhpoon and A Very Cool Young Lady

We are all devastated by the typhoon in the Philippines. So much destruction, so many people in need of so much. These types of events are always terrible but when they happen in areas of the world