Hypochondria is the only thing He doesn’t have!

When kids get sick they tend to exaggerate a little, right? Whether it be for the extra ice pop or the extra cuddle or more tv time even when they’re really sick they take advantage… It’s the kid thing to do.
But what happens when your kid is old enough to google his symptoms?  Well I can tell you it gets rather amusing …

In the last 3 months Grand Master D has had:

A pulmonary embolism,

Skin cancer

and a brain hemorrhage.

I kid you not!
Well maybe a little, he’s totally had none of these conditions, of course. He’s a normal healthy 13 year old, with the odd ache and pain from growth and nothing more. Well there was that nasty parasite last month but besides that he’s totally healthy. But it’s of great amusement every time he says he thinks he’s sick.

The other night when he was trying his best to convince me he was having a brain hemorrhage because he felt a dent and it was soft on the top of his head and it felt like he was being squeezed, I laughed, I did! Yes I’m a callous mother who is skeptical of all illness or injury unless blood is spurting, bones are sticking out or you’re dead… it’s true. He was horrified I wouldn’t believe him. When I said “Grand Master D you’re being a hypochondriac!” he said “Mum, that’s the only thing I don’t have!”.

I think I peed a little from laughing so hard and then I reminded him of the Boy who cried wolf.

But I love that he makes me laugh. Does hypochondria run in your family?

Comments 6

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  1. My oldest is the opposite. She HATES the doctor and totally freaks out if she has to go. She could have an alien growing out of her head and she would try to act like everything was perfectly normal!

  2. I remember during my 6th grade year I was constantly sick. I still get sick pretty often but not like I did that year. I have tried putting off dr visits until I get super sick because I want to make sure that I am actually sick before I go.

  3. My sister in college is becoming the same way! She Googles symptoms and calls home asking if some random disease runs in the family. My preschooler plays up her illness too but she still has time to outgrow it – I hope!

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      Kids are funny… Mine thought he had blood pressure the other day because his arm was a bit constricted. I said of course you do because if there’s no pressure you’re dead dude! Kids *eyeroll*

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