On Monday I went on a field trip with Miss Gremlin’s class, you can read about that here, it was quite fun, far less painful than some trips I’ve been on. Going on trips with kids is hard, especially when I’m a bit OCD on behaviour. It makes me crazy, but I do it because I’m available and I know …
Putting Yourself Out There………
I have such self doubt some days, ok most days……Why would anyone want to read my blog? Sure sometimes I have things to say. I like to think I can put a funny spin on something, but really there are so many talented writers out there, what makes me think I can even do this? Some days the inspiration is …
The Step Monster lives…….
Today I’m linking up with They Call Me Mummy and her momfessionals. Here’s a story about a not so great step parent, Me.- Before I had any idea what I was doing, I was in charge of someone else’s child. It was tough and I messed it up, pretty badly at times. Do you think I damaged her much? …
Leibster Award
I am very humbled to have received an award from Anna @annaeddins. It’s my first one and it’s pretty exciting. The Leibster Award is an award given to new bloggers for encouragement on a job well done so far……It’s an interesting …
The 10 Best Things About Autumn
Autumn… or Fall , why is it called Fall? What was wrong with Autumn? I know leaves fall in Autumn but why? We don’t call winter Snow or Summer Sweat do we… I don’t understand 🙂 Anyway Autumn is a beautiful time of year.
There’s Another Star in the Sky Tonight
This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that his mum had finally lost her battle with cancer. As I read the message and the tears flowed for his family and then for mine, I felt in that moment how fragile life is. I have been talking with him on a regular basis while he was going …
The Aging Face and the Youthful Heart
It’s my birthday today and although I’m happy to grow another year older and I’m not really concerned with my onward march through middle age, I do see the years catching up in the mirror. I see my mum and my grandmother looking back at me in different parts of my face. It’s funny how that works. One day it’s …
I Survived My First ‘Real’ Subway Breakdown
I had my first bonafide, actual, stuck in the tunnel subway ride on the weekend. We were headed downtown for some awesome family weekend activity, when between 86th and 81st the train came to a screeching halt. Now I wasn’t too concerned to start with because as millions of strap-hangers know, the MTA sucks. Trains stop, then go and some …
The Room Magic Continues……………
After his sick day off school and finishing the homework I made him do anyway, Grand Master D started teaching his sister the lattice method of multiplication and algebra! I haven’t seen this in a very long time… they are working together, using the chalk board they haven’t used for ages. The room magic continues……….it’s amazing 🙂 I have no …
The New Kid Haven
I spent the weekend painting the kid’s room. Now that we’ve rearranged it and they have their own space it was time to get some paint on the walls. It’s never been painted since we moved in. With them having bunk beds and lots of shelving there really wasn’t much wall space showing anyway. But finally I bit the bullet …