So all over the news is Angelina Jolie and how she lopped of her boobs to prevent cancer. Which she doesn’t have. Wait what? Back that train up…. She doesn’t have cancer so she decided to have a double mastectomy in case she might get it?
There’s Another Star in the Sky Tonight
This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that his mum had finally lost her battle with cancer. As I read the message and the tears flowed for his family and then for mine, I felt in that moment how fragile life is. I have been talking with him on a regular basis while he was going …
Suns of Bitches
This article was originally entitled Sunshine On My Shoulder but The King, not being one for headlines, either conservative or John Denver in nature suggested the present. I consented, as it is all about him. A number of articles have piqued my interest about the real healing effect of the sun. I’ve always believed the sun is good for you …