On this day 9 years ago, my little Miss Gremlin came into the world. One would say in the usual way but then again not so much. I was enormous. She was even more enormous! The birth went as most births do but then I stalled and she got a bit stuck. This kid had shoulders the size of …
The Judgey McJudgeson’s came out Today-Oops
As a rule I’m pretty cool, Ha, that rhymes…. pretty cool with whatever anyone chooses to do with their lives. Not for me to say, I have enough of my own stuff to deal with ……but right now, just for a minute I’m putting on the Judgey McJudgeson shoes…. Hey don’t roll your eyes we all have them. Most of …
The Tricky Teen
Yesterday, our boy had ‘the best day of his life so far’. His words. And we were so pleased to be able to provide that for him. This kid grew up. 12 years old is such a tricky time, with so much going on. But he’s turned into a thoughtful, caring , considerate, loving, sensitive (in a good way) young …
She Really Does Love Him
Tomorrow is Grand Master D’s 12th birthday. 12, I can hardly believe it, but more on that later. Today, Miss Gremlin wanted to make his birthday cake. She shopped for it then came home to cook. I let her.
The Aging Face and the Youthful Heart
It’s my birthday today and although I’m happy to grow another year older and I’m not really concerned with my onward march through middle age, I do see the years catching up in the mirror. I see my mum and my grandmother looking back at me in different parts of my face. It’s funny how that works. One day it’s …