I’ve been sitting here for 4 hours now, procrastinating and fucking around on facebook. Sure I pumped out a piece for Families in the Loop but really I just finished it off, it was mostly written already. Mostly I’m fucking around on facebook and twitter.
How Lucy Interviewed Me and Now She’s a Hooker….WHA?
This week on the Hump Day Hook Up, I decided to invite Lucy to share in the fun. Now this is something that is done around the blogosphere and so not being one to miss out, I’m playing too. I first me Lucy on twitter, she was this awesome, cool witty chick who said super funny stuff. She was at …
I’ve Been Doing this for a Whole Year? Cool, I Can Totally Commit to Stuff
I cannot believe I have been able to keep this up for a whole year! That’s so cool. I’m having a Bloggerversary ….. Cue the Music……no wait … that happens at the END of the speech. I’m not even close to being sick of it! I’ve met some awesome people and really feel like I’ve found my voice. It …
Crazy is My Middle Name-Secret Subject Swap
Welcome to Take One of April’s Secret Subject Swaps. This week, 12 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts. My “Secret Subject” is: It’s never any fun being normal. What’s the craziest thing you’ve …
I’m Not Changing Much, Just Turning Slightly….
As with all things fluid, I find my direction changing again ever so slightly. When I started this blog I was hell bent on imparting all the knowledge I had on raising kids. I was always getting compliments on how well behaved our kids were and asked how we did it. The King was encouraging me to write a book. …
I was Given Blogging Awards with Love…
Recently I had a spate of awards come in and while I truly love them and they validate me and make me think people actually write what I read, wait….. that’s not right. Read what I write, yes that’s better, they come with rules and work and effort. I love all the beautiful friends who’ve bestowed them on me and …
Secret Subject Swap
Welcome to Take One of February’s Secret Subject Swap. This week, 15 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts. My “Secret Subject” is: Describe what we would find in your junk drawer/cabinet/closet…. It was …
This is Where it’s Nice to Be Part of A Community of Awesomeness….
Becoming a blogger has been an amazing journey, I’ve met so many really great people, some who have taken a chance on me and coaxed me into the collabrative project, The Epistolarians , which you have seen me featured on recently. It has given me a place to write differently and to a different audience. During this time I also met …
It’s Award Time…..
It’s always so lovely when what you do is appreciated. I’ve been at this blogging thing for less than a year and I’m still amazed that people want to read what I have to say… I love writing it but sometimes all the self promotion and putting yourself out there goes against my very nature…..So it always with genuine surprise …
This Blogging Thing Has Benefits!
When I started this blog I never really imagined where it would go. It’s been growing slowly and it is fun to do. Writing about fun topics and meeting wonderful people have been a real bonus. But thanks to 2 lovely ladies, Abbey and Monica at LifeWellBlogged, I’m now a published author!