A picture says 1000 words-Ummmm

My Lord Dr King and I have been together for a long time, a very long time. We’ve been together longer than we’ve been apart and over the years we’ve had many things come and go through our lives.

Life with a Special Needs Dog

You may remember back to the summer when we were in Australia, My Lord Dr king put in a doggie door for Sir Lickalot. It was time, I was his door bitch and I was getting rather annoyed with it.

We’re Not Right

This morning, while I was quietly working in my spot, catching up on all the things I’ve neglected while travelling and getting the kids adjusted to school,

Father’s Day or A Knight’s Tale?

Having Father’s Day is June is something we’ve had to get used to over the years we’ve been here. In Australia it’s celebrated in September.

Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News

There’s is some news that I need to share. And because nothing is normal in this household EVER, this is not your normal type of news.