10 Reasons Homework Sucks

School is back and we’re all getting on with our daily lives. With the new year comes a new set of responsibilities for our kids. This year Grand Master D is in 7th grade (OMG, he was just starting kindergarten last week, right?) and  Miss Gremlin is in 3rd grade, the first testing grade in New York state. So the …

Things ‘Good’ Parents Never Say to their Kids………but secretly wish they could.

As we become parents, our lives are no longer our own. Our days of carefree, suiting yourself, doing whatever you want are over. Don’t kid yourself, it’s GONE. Once we have children, we have for at least 20 years, someone to think of and consider and provide for every moment. As children grow they become more self sufficient of course …

Grand Master D

Grand Master D has just headed off out the door to the movies with his friends. He’ll be out for hours, unsupervised with his friends. I’m not worried at all, nope not me. (quietly freaking out in the corner) What can possibly go wrong! He has a phone, knows his address and is very sensible. I really am pretty comfortable, …

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, mothers in law et al. Do you celebrate? Do you feel the love? Are you cherished by your babies young and old? I know for many this is a difficult day. Some mothers are no longer with us. Some families are estranged. Some, like me, are far away from their mothers.