That Time, For $12.50, Our Car was Towed

Some time ago, we decided to go for a Sunday drive. This was when we still had a car, making those decisions is less last minute and more let’s get a zipcar now, but I digress.

The Border Crossing

If you missed the first two parts of the Mexican story you can read them here and here. If you’re with me up to this point, the story continues…..

Anzac Day Traditions

  Today is ANZAC Day, a day in Australia where we honour the servicemen and women, who fought for our freedom and those that have fallen. We remember them with a dawn service and marches in all the cities and towns around the nation and football and two up and beer!

The Well travelled Teddy Bear

When the kids were babies they both received Teddy bears from a place in Australia called the Teddy bear shop. It’s sort of like Build-a-Bear except you don’t build them. They are ready made with names given but these bears come with birth certificates and passports.

The Big Egg Hunt in NY

Yesterday when we were out we found all these easter egg statues down in Battery Park. They were pretty cool but then we noticed they had a QR code.  After scanning it, the King discovered there is an easter egg hunt all over New York called The Big Egg Hunt New York.

Australia ~ Wanna Go?

It’s almost travel time, well, I mean start planning to book time. Summer is a mere 12 weeks away, summer break, end of school, time to get the hell outta Dodge! Time to go home for an accent refresher and taste of the life we left behind.

The Night Before Christmas…. With a Twist

Christmas in Australia is different as I’ve mentioned before and that includes the stories. The Night before Christmas is a classic and I love it. I read it to my kids every Christmas Eve, after we watch the Polar Express… it’s just what we do, it sets the mood for Santa 🙂 But in Australia it’s hot at Christmas time and …