In the last few weeks things have been breaking, you’ve seen the toilet seat post and the fact he bought the wrong size, well now we have the right size coming, no we didn’t return the seat, eewww that’d be gross and also I don’t think you can return used toilet seats, I think it’s something like the underwear rule. …
It’s a Dirty Job But Somebody’s Gotta Do it.
Today was a fix it day. Now that we have a new couch and new rugs, we needed to fix some holes in the walls. You know how it goes, you move things around, mount speakers and tv’s then change your mind. Move paintings around etc. All that stuff happens here will alarming regularity. It must be the ADD the …
No Sudden Moves
Movement of a strange kind, no, actually any kind, is all too much for our poor brain damaged, blind in one eye, rescue dog Sir Lickalot….Be warned. Anything beyond vacuuming will upset him. Moving furniture around, bringing in large boxes with purchases in them. The shopping cart. Forget it when the kids get the nerf guns out. Even when too many …