So we started eye therapy yesterday, every Wednesday from now until probably the end of summer. She received her patch today. Argh she’s a pirate. We’re still learning the rhythm that is trekking downtown after school and so we arrived 30 minutes early.
A Sad Situation-Nobody Wins This
I saw something Tuesday on twitter about a 4 yo accidentally killing a deputy sherriff’s wife at a cook out. WAIT WHAT? So I went in search of the story. The article assumed accident. How could it be anything else. The child was 4, still in preschool, maybe even pull-ups, 4! And then another story of a similar incident, this …
Going Tantrum Free……..The Toddler Years
I wrote a post a while ago about toddler tantrums. In my regular blog readings and on twitter, I see so many women struggling with this shitty toddler stage but those years can be wonderful and fun and tantrum free. Here’s what I learned along my journey……………. When was the last time your kids had a full on tantrum? …
Here’s the Thing About Kids and Drinking.
It’s not a new problem, teens and drinking. I would imagine it’s been going on since the beginning of time….. The minute someone found out that you could get a buzz from fermented fruit, Ug and Glok, the teenage cave dwellers, were hiding around behind the bush, sneaking the elders’ fermented googleberries 🙂
Facebook Sucks
Remember life before social media? Before we put everything up on facebook and twitter? When we had a big night out and nobody had a cell phone camera to post immediately to the world how badly we behave when we think we’re having fun? Yeah me too.