So last night turned out to be eventful. The King had a function which was going to be over by 7:30. He wanted dinner, that was the plan. That totally didn’t happen. Here’s what really happened.
Here’s the Thing About Kids and Drinking.
It’s not a new problem, teens and drinking. I would imagine it’s been going on since the beginning of time….. The minute someone found out that you could get a buzz from fermented fruit, Ug and Glok, the teenage cave dwellers, were hiding around behind the bush, sneaking the elders’ fermented googleberries 🙂
Going Dry………Oh My
It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that alcohol is not my friend. I am getting more and more adverse reactions whenever I consume it. Now before you say “Well you’re drinking too much”, this is not the case. Those that know me are fully aware of my capacity and it is no small amount……..until now. The reactions I get …