Where We Get to Experience the Titanic… You can too but Not Yet.

TitanicHow is it with my fancy life, I’ve managed to never attend a black tie function. I know, it positively smacks of scandal. I can’t believe either. However all that is about to change and what a fancy event to have as my first. None other than a $1000 a plate function on board the USS Intrepid for the project launch of building an exact replica of the Titanic. Billionaire mining magnate, Clive Palmer, a colourful Australian has decided he needs to build the Titanic, exactly as it was and sail it on the exact route her predecessor sailed across the Atlantic from Southampton to New York on that fateful April in 1912 . Nothing can go wrong…. right?

Well, we won’t find out until 2016 but we will get to spend an evening among New York society. It reeks of a Cinderella story or the downstairs staff coming upstairs in a modern Downton Abbey. Mixing with the elite. I’m positively tingling. With all the preparation emails the organisers have sent, they sure know how to build excitement…

Even though the ship won’t sail until 2016 and it’s not even built yet, 40,000 people have booked passage on this new Titanic. It’s amazing that so many want to experience it. But I guess, stepping into a bygone era and having an experience like sailing on the Titanic would be very cool.

As preparation for this special event, I’ve had to buy a formal dress, shoes and have my hair done. I feel like a movie star getting ready for the Oscars. The Long car has been booked and we will be travelling the 100 blocks in style.

The evening will include the exact 11 course menu served in the first class dining room of the original Titanic. I have no real clue what else to expect but I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve heard the Intrepid knows how to put on a function. I am imagining that we will step back into the Titanic tonight….. A modern day Leo and Kate. Yeah maybe not but we’ll feel like them, well I will….I’m sure the King won’t, that’s not his thing.

Tomorrow I will be able to tell you all about it.

We heard from our friend, that Clive is here in New York already and the Australian 60 Minutes team have been following him around everywhere, so if the angle is right and we don’t end up on the cutting room floor, we could be on 60 Minutes in Australia. I just hope it’s not at the end of the Conga line….

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see all the pictures, the dress, the fancy couple and all the other paraphernalia I manage to swipe.

You know I will, but just for you…

Comments 10

    1. Post
      1. I get seasick, too, and non-drowsy Dramamine has always worked for me. NON-DROWSY! If you run into trouble, go topside and focus on something on land, something stationary. If you’re stuck below deck, make your eyes dart all around and focus on nothing. Seasickness comes from our eyes thinking that we’re staying still, while our ears know that we’re moving.

  1. OH MAAAAAH GAAAWD!!! I am so Jealous! Adam is SO jealous. Ollie doesn’t know it, be is super duper jealous too!!

    However, I am glad that you are going. how exciting I cannot wait to see the pix… please please post pics!

  2. Sounds like great fun. So is there a way to get a copy of the 60 Minutes Australia show? It would be fun to see the whole build-up and the results. Can’t wait to see the pics. Have fun.

    1. Post
  3. With global warming, you’re unlikely to hit an iceberg, thank goodness.

    Enjoy the heck out of it. Life is about experiences and this is one relatively few people alive will get to enjoy.

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