February 26th 2013… The launch of the project Titanic II was the most well planned event I have ever been to. It was on the Intrepid, floating in the Hudson River on the West side of Manhattan. An excellent place to launch another boat, rescheduled from October due to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. We were …
Hump Day Humour- The Titanic Edition
This week will be all things Titanic because we attended the launch party of Titanic 2 last night and there’s so much to tell you it needs more than one post. While I get my posts together so you may take the journey with me… and it was quite a journey, here are some Titanic themed funnies… Happy Hump Day …
Where We Get to Experience the Titanic… You can too but Not Yet.
How is it with my fancy life, I’ve managed to never attend a black tie function. I know, it positively smacks of scandal. I can’t believe either.