You know that feeling, when you live in the city that you kinda live in each others lives? Let me explain. Since the building across the street has been built and become occupied, I have spent many happy hours trying to work out who is who and what is going on over there! Oh come on everyone wants to know what the neighbours are up to right?!
Occasionally this habit offers up some little surprises, like the dark naked man playing with his dog (real dog) late one night, or the Asian couple having sex!
Oops I’ve said too much.
But I often wonder if they’re watching us too? When our beautiful neighbours lived next door, who we used to play tricks on, we discussed whether we were going to get window coverings once the building was up… J decided that nope, he was gonna parade around naked for a few days and then let the new across the street neighbours decide if they wanted to cover that shit up!
And basically we’ve taken the same approach, although the King did get timber venetian blinds while I was away one summer, it’s is purely aesthetic for the inside of our apartment and not to stop the neighbours watching us of course 😉
But this fish bowl is not that kind. It’s of a variety that is seldom seen unless you live with someone like the King, which I do, so please remember me in your nightly prayers, thanks…
It all started 2 Christmases ago, when searching for the perfect gift, he came across flying fish…. because amazon sells EVERYthing. Naturally he purchased this as the perfect gift for a friend and decided perhaps we needed one too. Well when Christmas arrived and we unwrapped it, it became entirely obvious that the King, bless his heart, hadn’t read any of the instructions and we required helium… so this fish was relegated to the closet, never to be seen again…. Until last week’s Spring cleaning frenzy. At which point the King decided this really would be fun and ordered up the helium from, yep you guessed it Amazon. (they really should start paying me commission, just sayin’)
Well you may or may not have already seen the results of the arrival of the helium into this house… you can watch that here, I’ll wait…..but the real fun was making the fish…
after about an hours work……
A fishy and we shall call him Sid Fishious and we shall love him …..And now he swims around our apartment at will, with the windows open or by remote if we choose. We live in a fish bowl.
Proof that we live in a real fish bowl and my life is crazier than yours… but should you want one of these, you can buy it here and live in your very own fish bowl.
Yesterday he just floated by to say hi… He’ll float around until the helium leaks out and them we’ll fill him again.
Come and link your posts to the Hump Day Hook Up…

Comments 16
I love the fish. So cute. And now you literally do live in a fish bowl.
I know! It’s actually hilarious!
I heart you and your family so hard. You are so crazy fun. I wanna live with you.
What a fun household. Maybe I should do this in my apartment- the fish can keep me company!
Ooooooooh….I’ve wanted one of those forever!!! Jealous!
it really is so much fun…
So there’s my AD HD t-shirt !
Does it have fish cam ?
Ya’ll are a hoot. That fish is big enough to shade a window … how fun!!!
Have a great weekend.
P.S. I hopped here from Ladies only.
Thanks for dropping by!
You are welcome. Stop by and say hello 🙂
This is HILARIOUS! I used to live in a middle San Francisco apartment – middle in every sense of the word. The second floor of three floors, and the middle apartment of three apartments on that floor. We used to hear it all – sex, drugs and rock n’ roll basically. It sorta traumatized me after my total suburban roots. I got used to it, though. These days we have a house in the middle of nowhere – we have no visible neighbors! Just woods. So different, but I’m sure the bears and raccoons have gotten an eyeful.
I want one of those fish.. one of my friends had the same thing but in a shark! Thanks for posting with Ladies Only!
like everything…. SO inexpensive… the helium tank costs more.
OMG! I saw this flying fish on like an America’s funniest home videos or something one day for sure! So true what you mentioned about the neighbors. I’m always wondering the same exact thing.
That is hysterical! Visiting from our Ladies Only Blog Share, woefully late. But I loved your post! Your fishbowl looks like a fun place to be!