The Truth Must Be Shared

Let’s talk secret women’s business, ok to be more precise, secret ‘older’ women’s business.

The dreaded menopause. Yup I dared to speak the word. The change of life.

We all know the facts right but living them is a wholly different experience: There are many fazes, I have listed some below. Please feel free to add any I may have missed or am yet to experience.

The ‘don’t touch me I’m so hot’ faze

The ‘get away from me before I eat you’ faze

The ‘you can’t seriously want sex from me’ faze

The ‘if I get a fourth period this month I’m gonna scream’ faze

The ‘I can gain a pound a day without even looking at food ‘ faze

These fazes are just some of the amazing things happening to me, sometimes simultaneously,  just for fun!

I think it’s utterly rude that we not only have to endure menstruation for 30+ years and painful childbirth but now, when all that’s coming to an end, we get all these other issues. I have spent half of this week sleeping on the couch, not  because I don’t love my bed but because I’m so hot and the airconditioner isn’t cooling me and I’m like a fish flip-flopping on the deck of a boat. The King, in his patient voice says “will you be flipping around for long?” And knowing that the answer will undoubtedly be yes, I just grab my pillow and head downstairs where I can have the aircon going at 65 degrees and I can flip until my hearts content. It’s just easier.

Even during the day I feel a rise in my core temperature, wait, what am I, a planet? It’s not unlike the elevated temps you endure during pregnancy. I can’t stand to have anyone touch me, or stand too close. Miss Gremlin is all touchy feelly these days and I continually sidestep her advances, not that I don’t want a hug from my sweet girl but just don’t touch me…. sheesh, especially on a hot subway platform.


And then because Mother Nature is also menopausal, she is turning on the hottest flash the North East has seen in a while because she hates us!

So how do we combat all these problems?

We yell at everyone, we get moody, we sit on top of the air conditioner. We drink! We stay indoors and we hope like hell it’ll be over soon. And I’m not talking about the heatwave.

Are you suffering? Is your significant other? How are you all coping?

Comments 22

  1. Timely post for me……….I’m facing the possibility of a hysterectomy….something I’ve tried to avoid for five years because I don’t want to have to deal with all of that. I might just have to suck it up and deal. *sigh*

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  2. Getting a hysterectomy means I’ll be on HRT right now. Genetically, I probably have at least five maybe 10 more years before I hit “the change” so if I can avoid HRT for that long, I want to try to.

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      Have you thought of the laser thing where the take the lining so you don’t get periods?
      It’s no picnic but honestly I think I’m 80% through and it’s only been the last year or two with any real troubles.

  3. I’ve had an ablation (4 years ago) but the “effective” time of that has worn off and now it’s back to the old ways so my Dr is saying a hysterectomy is more of an option. Or I can just have ablations every couple years until I hit the change.

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  4. Yeah, my doc said “2-3 years” but that SOME woman CAN have permanently “fixed” uteruses. But it’s normal for your period to return after a few years. I had four years, so I guess that’s a good run. 😉

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  5. I’m almost looking forward to menopause now, because pregnancy was the only time in my life when I wasn’t FREEZING! I’m freezing right now! Stupid A/C.

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  6. Oh girl, you KNOW I can relate to all of this. The hot flashes are a bitch. But wait! There’s more: weight gain, hair loss, memory loss and constant fatigue. Doesn’t that sound like a fun, geriatric party? Ahhh…it’s great to be a woman LOL!

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  7. Holy crap I have no idea if this is what’s happening to me or not. I’m 44 (almost 45) and am hot most of the time. I still get periods but they’re either normal or sofuckingheavydisgusting that I end up gushing a pint in an hour. Sigh. Getting old sucks.

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  8. At the beginning stages of all of this… I get hot flashes at night – not so much during the day. My husband snores, so I figure if I have to endure his snoring, he needs to endure my flip flopping – throwing off of all of the covers and then taking them all because my sweat has frozen… Yeah, it’s like that 🙂 Great post!

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