The Crazy Questions Post

Mama Pants over at The Family Pants tagged me in her post, she’s on a 20 or so questions kick. It’s fun she says, I’ll send you the questions she says, you’ll love it, she question markssays.

Yeah I’m calling bullshit but in the spirit of learning more about each other I’m gonna play…..My questions could be influenced by vodka, you’ve been warned.

When did your last hug take place?

I was hugged this evening by Grand master D, several times actually. he’s a hugger. At the moment he’s hugging so much it borders on weird. I’m loving it though and he says “I know I’m hugging you a lot but I just feel like it’. I’m thinking it’s a hormonal thing and I imagine one day not too soon he’ll be too cool to hug me for a while, so I’ll take it.

Are you a jealous person?


Are you tired right now?

Right now, before, yesterday, the other day… JUST yes.

Do you chew on your straws?

Straws are for drugs not drinks

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? 

Yep, once on a drive from Sydney to Melbourne then back again. I also slept for 24 hr straight after that one.

Do you cry easily?

Yes, I’m a sooky lala. You love me anyway.

What should you be doing right now?

I’m doing it.. Writing, I’m a writer now, you know.

Are you a heavy sleeper?

Medium sleeper but heavy when exhausted. I always feel the dog or a child’s presence beside the bed though

Are you mad at someone right now?

Well I could say Mama Pants …. but no.

Do you believe in love?

Believe in it, subscribe to it, crave it, need it, own it.

What makes you laugh no matter what?

Sir Lickalot our spastic dog. He’s special in a brain damaged kinda way.

Who was the last person you talked to?

On line or in person? Well online, Tracy from Momaical, the crazy chick from LA. In person Miss Gremlin, whose tooth was giving her grief…

When was the last time you smiled?

I smile all the time but probably the last time I checked twitter, don’t judge me, the people in there are fun.

Does anyone like you?

Like? or Like like? Dumb question.. my kids like me, The king like likes me, the dog likes me. I hope my friends like me… you get it.

Do you secretly like someone?

I secretly like The King…. but I think he might know

Who was the first person you talked to today?

Oh person? That would be the children… but I talked to the dog first, oh and myself in the mirror.

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?

hmm. I’m pretty comfortable talking about anything to anyone really. Person stuff? close friends.

What are you NOT looking forward to?

The rest of these damn questions… for real

What ARE you looking forward to?

The end of these questions. But really … I’m looking forward to my adult children, I want to see who they become. I’m excited to develop adult relationships with them.

Are you a forgiving person?


How many TRUE friends do you have?

Enough, they know..

Do you fall for people easily?

No way! I’m the secret weapon on seeking out the bad eggs. I have a very sensitive bullshit meter..

What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?


Who was the last person you drove with?

wow. I can’t remember the last time I was in a car.

How late did you stay up last night and why?

too fucking late..2am

If you could move somewhere else, would you?

Well I want to live in Italy but I’d always move back to Australia… sigh, one day.

Who was the last person you took a picture of?











Can you live a day without TV?

yes but I don’t see the need.

When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?

nothing comes to mind… sorry… disappointed? 😛

Three names you go by..

Mum, Molley, My Love

What is your all-time favorite romance movie?

Pretty Woman

Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?

I think I do but I also believe that it takes work no matter who you’re with.

What’s your current problem?

I’ve been sitting on this couch too long and my neck and back hurt. We need a new couch.

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Every time I lose someone I love.

OH MY GOD! That was looooooonnnnngggg. Do you know enough now?

Ok who wants to play? Motha Kim, Kelly Debie HIve, April at 1st Time Mom and Dad, Roshni, Sleepybard and Mommy Unmuted.? .. Don’t blame me, go smack Mama. I totally understand if you don’t wanna play ladies….But it might be fun.

Comments 7

  1. Your new look, header and all, is awesome!!! Thanks so much for thinking of me!! So excited to be tagged!!! (Yeah, I suffer from some kind of acceptance-to-the-group cravings!! :P)

  2. Pingback: Slam Books (Annoying HS Questions)

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