January 27th was my parents’ 45th Wedding Anniversary. A lifetime spent together. More than half their lives spent in each others company. This is the second year my mum sits by a graveside………..
The Luckiest Number
On this Nineth day of October in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Nine, I had the greatest honour of marrying a man who makes me laugh and cry, happy and sad and pushes me to do things I would NEVER do on my own. Hey I’m writing a damned blog aren’t I? And living in America!
A Family Affair
This weekend saw us travel to Sydney to honour my Aunt and Uncle who have been married for 50 years. It’s quite an achievement to stay together for such a long time and it’s fitting to honour it in a special way. The scene was set with a photo of the bride and groom. As guest arrived they were greeted …