A picture says 1000 words-Ummmm

My Lord Dr King and I have been together for a long time, a very long time. We’ve been together longer than we’ve been apart and over the years we’ve had many things come and go through our lives. Back in the very early days when he used to come and visit me, if I wasn’t home, he’d leave me little notes, just so I knew he’d been. Sometimes it was a love note, sometimes it was practical info and sometimes is was just buy more beer! Clearly I had let the supply dwindle. OOps.

But always was the same little man was drawn with the note. A kind of signature I suppose.

As young love is bound to do, I kept some of those notes and filed them away in a special place, as you do because mementos reminds us of a time long past. And it’s fun to show the kids 🙂 (queue Memories by Babs)

Life gets busy and in the blink of an eye 25 years flies by and you’ve completely forgotten about the notes on the kitchen counter reminding you to get more beer.

The other day, I received an email from My Lord Dr King, nothing unusual about that, we communicate electronically ALL THE TIME, but this one was different, it was blank except for an attachment. I opened it and this appeared 15 - 1


The little man! Like a long lost friend whizzing me back to another time and place and bringing a smile to my day. Cute but I didn’t give it another thought after that.

A couple of days passed by and our daily crazy continued on.

Meetings, lunches, dinners, functions, meeting famous people, you know the norm ( if you’re new here, that shit happens quite a bit). We found ourselves in the company of Reverend Jesse Jackson and his son Jonathon, My Lord Dr King spent quite a long lunch with them and I attended the evening event as well.

This morning, after the children left and I gathered my strength at the bottom of my second macchiato, an email arrived in my inbox from My Lord Dr King.

Confused, as it was still before his usual wake up time, I opened the empty email. Another attachment…. hmmm

I damn near snorted my coffee all over the couch when I saw this!

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I laughed out loud because I mean, what else is there to do when your husband sends you dick pictures from bed that he drew himself!

He received his just reward because I’m an awesome wife, I’ll take that award now…..and he headed to the bath.

An hour later, yes he’s a bather, I received this:

15 - 3I’m hoping this is a short lived phase. It’s cute and all but the return of the little man is getting a bit demanding!

Anyway, gotta go, the man wants eggs 😛



Comments 6

  1. LOL, I’m so glad it’s not just us who act like 5 year olds sometimes!! I often find Barbie’s in compromising positions on my pillow when I go to bed thanks to my dearest hubs! x

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