A picture says 1000 words-Ummmm

My Lord Dr King and I have been together for a long time, a very long time. We’ve been together longer than we’ve been apart and over the years we’ve had many things come and go through our lives.

I Love it When Paleo Cooking is Easy

I haven’t written about food for a while, but My Lord Doctor King is on a ‘lifestyle change’ (we don’t say diet) and has already dropped 14 lbs so I am cooking better again and using the paleo technique.

10 Reasons I’m Never Shaving Again

Admit it ladies, shaving is a bitch, right? I’m hairy, there I said it… Technical term ‘hirsute’ or hairsuit :P. I’ve been shaving since I was 12 years old.

The Hike

We went hiking last week. We had a friend’s car for the weekend and after some relaxation out East (The Hamptons), We decided to go hiking up the Palisades.

Life with a Special Needs Dog

You may remember back to the summer when we were in Australia, My Lord Dr king put in a doggie door for Sir Lickalot. It was time, I was his door bitch and I was getting rather annoyed with it.

Middle School or Bust

We finally finished the middle school application process here that I have written about a bit over on my facebook page (I’m there a lot, it’s the instant gratification thing  🙂 )

He’s Really a Little Bit Country

To say our lives are unique and interesting is an understatement. Although we try to be semi normal the weird just slips out. Some things can’t be contained.