So far all this and it’s only Tuesday!

It’s been a rough week. And hectic! Yesterday we celebrated Grand Master D’s 13 birthday. First of all how did that happen? I now have an official teenager? Send help!

Then I really did it…. dislocated my toe again! Well let me explain, sometime ago and I really can’t remember exactly when, I kicked, banged, tripped , did something stupid to my toe and evidently it became dislocated. But I didn’t realise. So it healed but not really and for the last few months I’ve been saying I really must get my toe looked at because it was causing pain in shoes, when I walked and generally being an annoyance. But you know me and doctors …….

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I went to the new masseuse in the ‘hood because I like to support local shop owners… and I told him about my toe and voila he cracked that bad boy pack into place! Yay!…. It was straight and not hurting but still tender I suppose and not entirely secure in it’s new position because last wednesday morning I tripped up the stairs and kicked my sore toe and it hurt like a mutha fucker and damn if it wasn’t dislocated again!  grrrr…I put up with it for a couple of days but by the weekend I was done, so I went for another massage to fix it however this lady couldn’t really do it because it was very swollen and I guess really dislocated. I was frustrated and in pain so being the good husband that he is and also not one to run to the emergency room, The King googled dislocated toes and how to treat and we decided I’d get hocked up on vicodin and he’d fix it. Awesome plan! Great idea! Until it wasn’t and I was howling like a banshee so bad that Miss Gremlin came out of her room to see what was happening.

So yesterday I caved and went to get it fixed. Luckily there’s a chiropractor next to the masseuse! Yay for our ‘hood. I went in and they wanted x-rays in case it’s broken and blah blah and I’m all don’t be ridiculous, it’s not broken, please just relocate it…  must have been convincing because he agreed and next thing I know I’m on the massage table with a heat wrap around my foot, 15 minutes later I am once again screaming in pain but this guy isn’t stopping because he knows what he’s doing, as opposed to the King, and he manipulates it about 5 times.

From outside the curtain, I hear the assistant reassuring other patients that women have higher pain tolerances and that I’m ok. When he was finished torturing me he said “Congratulations, it’s a boy!” Funny bastard!

Then the chiropractor let me go, saying that it was straight but not completely back in because it was too swollen and the joint was full of fluid, so I’m going back on Wednesday to finish the job but in the meantime I need to splint it to keep it straight and ice it so the swelling goes down.

And no tight shoes! So if you see me in the ‘hood in my sexy slippers you must forgive me… I’m injured 🙂

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  1. Pingback: A Mother Life Little Toes, Big Trouble - A Mother Life

  2. I can totally relate! Dislocated my middle finger a few years back getting my mom’s wheelchair out of the trunk of our car. The brake came off and when I picked it up the wheel began to turn with my finger jammed in the spokes…ouchy! Like you, I hate doctors so I just taped my fingers together for about two weeks and voila I am now the proud owner of a crooked finger. Looks like a lazy finger leaning to one side when I flip the bird…lol. Hope your toe gets better soon!

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