My Child Didn’t Graduate-Bad Parent Alert

Little Miss Gremlin came home last April with a less than glowing eye report from the school. She had some big long name thing but basically her eyes weren’t tracking together and after 20 seconds her right eye would just check out and this was causing her blurred vision and headaches and loss of stamina for reading.

So being a good parent I began the search for the recommended eye therapy. We started that in May at a private clinic. It was just easier than the  other option. We’ve been going every week  for 30 minute sessions since then. And that’s fine, I’ll do whatever it takes for my children and their legitimate medical needs. No questions asked. But we don’t have insurance, yes I know you had a little gasp. It’s ok I’ve talked about this before. So far, for our family, it works just self paying, one day I may eat my words and now there’s a law saying we must get coverage, but up to now we’ve been just fine.

It’s been costing $100 a week, for a 30 minute session. No problem. She does the work every night and has progressed quickly and far since the beginning. But I think she’s done. About five weeks or $500 ago the Dr told me her eyes are now tracking together again, which is what we needed to fix. Since then she has been just doing visual memory. Now I’m all for remembering what you see but it’s beginning to wear thin and I think we’re being had. A couple of weeks ago I asked how much longer because we had no end date and paying $100 a week forever more is not my idea of a good time. Do you KNOW how many massages that equals? Right!

So the week before last, the Dr told me the next week would be visual closure, now I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box but I imagined that meant she was done….. you know… VISUAL CLOSURE….Oh how wrong can one person be. So we went, thinking it was our last visit and by chance that day, Miss Gremlin saw the school optometry clinic and passed with flying colours so I was completely taken aback when the Dr said ok you can schedule an evaluation appointment in about a month… HUH? What? And you have at least 7 visits left. I was shocked and not quite sure what just happened. That, my friends is another $1000 because the evaluation is an hour appointment @ $300.

I left, I didn’t cause scene but I have had time to think about it over the week and we as a family have decided that we are not going to continue. Miss Gremlin says she’s not getting headaches anymore and nothing is blurry and she certainly has the stamina to read as so far this school year she’s read 15 books!

But we’re not finished. We don’t graduate, we will be leaving before the end of what the Dr. says she needs but I don’t think she needs it. Am I wrong?

cross eyed

Or am I being strung along, being fleeced of my hard earned money… I’m not sure but I tend to think so. Not in a malicious way, I don’t think they are meaning to rip me off but I believe it’s too much now and matching block patterns after looking at them for 5 seconds and drawing boxes the same as the picture can be done at home just as easily without the $100 cost…..

And so I called this morning and cancelled. The receptionist was shocked but I explained. She said the Dr will want to call me. I answered, That’s fine. I will explain but I will not pay any more. If I add it all up, I’ve paid over $3000 already. I think that’ll do.

So now Wednesday afternoons are free………….Massage anyone? I’m hoping it’ll help me ease my bad parent feeling 🙂

Comments 21

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  1. Being the Devil’s’ Advocate (Because I am good at that): It could be to make sure she is staying on track. Sometimes with behavioral therapies like that, bad habits can sneak in. It could be they “Visual Closure” is an exit strategy ensuring a permanent cure. It wouldn’t hurt to ask him what Visual Closure is- heck, now I am curious.

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      Yep I hear you but she responded quickly to all the therapies and improves every week. I just can’t see any further need. I will listen to what she has to say but as for bad habit, I don’t think that was what was causing the eyes not to track and she’s been good with those for weeks and weeks. I just don’t want to spend another $1000 unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  2. My daughter was born with shoulder dystocia, a.k.a “A lot of therapy and money”… We did go… in the beginning… but we stopped for a while after we realized we were paying $300 a pop for “play therapy”. She can do that at home… and did… and does. Now we just take her for regular check-ups and an occasional therapy refresher. You wanted me to pay you $300 so you could put a really expensive piece of athletic tape on her back and make her reach for things? She has a big brother to wrestle with for gawd’s sake… now, THAT is a shoulder workout….

    I feel ya and I get it.

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      My daughter too was born with Shoulder dystocia but we weren’t given any therapy requirements. The more I think about it the more I’m feeling I am doing the right thing.

  3. Here is a better definition: They have trained her eyes to track together, absorb information together and then process that information. The Visual Closure is finishing that training with discretion. What information is important and what is not. The Visual Therapy is not only for the eyes, but tuning the brain into what the eyes see.
    I am not sure that the closure is needed. The doctor and staff did a poor job informing you of how the therapy worked. I would probably come to the same conclusion. Maybe even look up Visual Closure therapies for her to do on her own with you-because you are an awesome mom like that.

  4. shame on you .(for getting treatment in the first place).. clearly her eyes were evolving to track separately to keep up with all the moving and shaking happening at planet mills 😉

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  5. I think we know our kids best and have to make decisions based on that knowledge. Obviously, you want the problem fixed or you wouldn’t have spent all that $$ in the first place. So, if you think she doesn’t need it, then I say you are the best judge and feel confident that, if you notice her regressing, you will return to the therapy.

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  6. I think as a parent you know what’s best for your child. If her vision seems to be fine why continue the sessions. Visual Closure just sounds like a politically correct way to say blindness to me;)

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  7. Listen as far as I see it you know what your child needs better than the guy collecting your money sometimes. No reason to feel guilty she read 15 books and it’s only October! If it starts getting bad again you can always go back. Okay so when are we all going for massages?

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