What’s Wrong with Our Kids?

I have to ask this question because WTF!

What is going on with our country?

In the last 2 days, 2 children, and yes 12 and 14 is still considered children, have murdered 2 school teachers in separate states! It’s devastating that once again we are faced with a school shooting and now the murder of a teacher, for no apparent reason, with a box cutter! What is happening? Where are these children getting the idea that murdering someone fixes ANY problem?

It’s so very concerning as we go through the process of finding a high school for Grand Master D. Schools all say they are safe, some by allowing armed guards… WTF, and others by locking down the facility so tight that the kids feel trapped. I have my serious doubts that any school is actually safe anymore, or mall or theatre or any public place as long as society continues on its current track of a) being armed to the teeth and b) not looking out for those members of society who might snap at any moment.

Why is this happening? Why are we all so fucked up that we can’t get along? What’s causing it? How do we fix it?  So many questions with no answers.  I have no idea.family safety

I am constantly worried, stressed all the time that it will happen to us. I said to The king the other night, ‘If there’s a school shooting anywhere in New York we’re outta here!’  I know it’s probably irrational and the chances of actually being involved are slim but every single day another thing happens, kids suicide from bullying, kids shoot up schools, kids murder teachers. Enough already… children are supposed to be the future. The future looks too scary to me and I don’t see anyone trying to change it.

I don’t want to leave, I really do like our lives here (for all the bitching and moaning I do) but I don’t want anything bad to happen to our family either and at some point we are going to have to make serious decisions because I don’t see things changing for the better and that makes me sad all ’round.


You guys got any ideas?

Comments 4

  1. Unfortunately, I don’t have any ideas. Being a southerner, I would probably be severely admonished for suggesting more gun control, but I do think that is a place to start. I agree that it is super scary and I worry about it as well – even in our small town. I wonder if things like it happen in other countries as well and maybe we just don’t hear about it as much?? I don’t know, but I agree with you and hope the violence ends.

  2. I know it’s crazy. But you know what helps? Not listening to the news. Ignorance is so great b/c then you don’t have to worry about anything. But it’s true, no one is safe. Shootings can happen anywhere, in any school. I think gun control is part of the answer but of course that’s not going to happen. If Sandy Hook couldn’t wake up the politicians, nothing can.

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