The Stitches Came Out Today-A Not So Humourous Hump Day Post

We're waiting.. at least we got an exam room


In lieu of a humour picture or some funny quotes, today I’m going to show you Miss Gremlin getting her stitches out. Less funny, a little more gruesome  but still interesting. Can you believe it’s been 2 weeks? It’s amazing how fast life goes. In case you were under a rock 2 weeks ago here’s a link to her accident.

You should be pleased I’m taking her back to the hospital at all!

When the King had his snip, I took his stitches out for him. We’re cool like that. 🙂

We headed to the hospital at 8:30am so as to avoid the rush…. They made us wait. I wore a low cut top and all but all the nurses were chicks today so it may have actually hindered us.

We were clearly not on the urgent list . The only bodies we saw were the cleaner emptying trash and the aide restocking the gown closet. The ER wasn’t busy. I guess it was morning tea time.

Mum, seriously, don't blog this!

Mum, seriously, don’t blog this!









Eventually a Doctor came by and the stitches were removed.

photo 1-2

It feels weird… like tugging my brain

photo 2-2

Just a few more snips


photo 3

Snip, snip, snip

photo 5

MUM, stop!

photo 4-2

I’m keeping this one on all day!


Walking to school in the sunshine.

Walking to school in the sunshine




An hour and 40 minutes later her face was all clear.

That’s the last of the hospital trips………..until next time.

Happy Hump Day.

Comments 5

  1. You actually took out stitches?!! Egad, I almost threw up just reading that!! Gosh, you’ re awesome!!
    Glad she got her stitches out without any further incident!!! 🙂

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