The Social Decline of America, Are We Too Blind to See?

So Kim Kardashian’s ass almost broke the internet last week. It was her plan. She did it with a photoshoot for a magazine.


Who cares?

We’re losing our minds…

We live in a country where those photos are ok but photos of breastfeeding women are not.

We live in a world where vigilantes like George Zimmerman can shoot down unarmed teens and get away with it but a 90 year old man gets arrested for feeding the homeless.

We live in a country where it’s getting increasingly more difficult to make choices regarding your own body and reproductive rights but more and more children are food insecure and horribly abused every day.

Where same sex couples are fighting for marriage equality while heterosexual couples are divorcing at a rate of 50%.

We live in a country where you can’t give your child a chocolate egg (kinder surprise) because they may choke but you can walk around with a loaded gun. Where an average of 18 people a day are shot dead, 5 of them children.

Our food is full of chemicals.

Our water is full of chemicals.

The air is full of chemicals. Chemicals which are killing us but we can’t afford to treat ourselves because of the broken healthcare system. Chemicals the rest of the world refuse to use.

Profit and greed rule this country.

It’s more important for the richest family in America to have a great bottom line than give their workers a living wage. How can you work a full time job and still be so poor you need food stamps? How is this a good system.

Why are you so afraid of universal healthcare and gun control, immigration and free quality education and a living wage America?

And women’s rights to chose. Why are we so concerned about the unborn but not about the born child who’s parents can’t afford to feed and house it, allowing it to live in squalor or fear of abuse. We’re breeding hopelessness.Where are the protests for that?

After last nights decision regarding whether to indict Darren Wilson for shooting unarmed teen Michael Brown came down, as a foreigner, I feel lost.
We chose to come here, the lucky country, to live the American dream but in the almost 10 years we’ve been here we have seen that dream slowly erode.

Make no mistake, America is in social decline.

Things that were fought in blood by those who came before, 50 years ago, the likes of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X must be turning in their graves. That a white policeman was in such fear for his life that he felt justified to kill an unarmed black youth in the street like a dog. This is 2014, why are we still doing this?

Good policemen go to work everyday not knowing if they’ll come home, whether today is the day they are shot doing their job or they shoot someone under difficult circumstances.

Guns are not the answer, although this fight will continue while people believe the only way to protect themselves is to have more guns, the police have no choice but to suspect everyone of carrying and situations like Ferguson will just continue over and over as we’re seeing nightly on the news.

Walking out of your home is a risk, sending your children to school or college, going shopping or to a movie or a public park all carry added risks because a right to carry a gun is more important than a right to feel safe. So much is going on daily that it boggles the mind.

We care more about a footballers’ career than the fact he took part in a physical assault on a woman, or beat a child or raped a girl. We care more about money and fame than the health of the planet, or the wellbeing of children, the health of a population.

There’s money is disease and war and fossil fuels, there’s no money in peace and alternative energies and a healthy population.

I may be a foreigner but I live here, I see… My children see.

You can do better America, you must because the world is watching and they don’t like what they see.

It’s time to shift the focus, it’s time to value peace and health and well being of the planet for all, regardless of race, sex or creed.

Hold your politicians accountable, care, make the effort, change the system… refuse to accept that this is the best America can be, demand better. It’s worth it.

Your children’s children are counting on you. So are mine.


Comments 9

    1. Post

      You’re right, it’s global but you have to fix your own back yard first. America needs to fix America before it tries to bully the rest of the world. There’s serious problems here, very serious.

  1. The sad thing is that we have a president who wants to affect change and has both hands tied behind his back by the right.
    And whenever government begins to make a difference, a 9/11, an Al Qaeda, an Isis appears and the right start up with the
    fear monging, all of which is to divert attention from the real issue, which is that corporate America is busy buying and selling
    this country out from under us. They get the voting public worked up to the point where they either turn up at the polls to vote
    Republican to show their dissatisfaction with the “status quo”, or they don’t turn up at all. People need to wake up and stop
    believing the Fox News rhetoric.

    1. Post

      Unfortunately I lost faith in him after he wouldn’t use his executive power to change the gun laws following Sandy Hook.If ever there was a time to get serious, that was it. He still panders to the money. Even with the immigration thing, it’s because he can get money from the taxes and immigration fees they’ll pay. I know it sounds cynical but it’s what I see. We need someone with enough balls to just do what’s best for the American people not the American corporations.

  2. I live behind the ‘ignorance is bliss’ fence to save myself anguish such as this. But it’s the very same attitude power monger and ultra wealthies have so I’m no better.
    I wish I could fix things, but more importantly, I wish I was allowed to fix things.

  3. Molley, I agree with you completely! I have been writing about this a lot, attempting to process the anger and sadness and heartbreak I feel about what is happening to and in this country. The failure of the grand jury to indict Daniel Pantaleo rendered me speechless. I watched my black friends stagger through hearing that, watched their kids write things like “Black Lives Matter!” as if having to remind themselves of their own worth, and my heart hurt for them and for the implications of that pain. The gun “laws” are embarrassing, our failure to act on climate change and poverty and hunger and so on reprehensible and short-sighted. I’m with you, sister!
    Emily (

    1. Post

      Thank you!. I find it interesting to be a foreigner her in these times. Especially when we had gun problems in Australia and fixed it and we figured out healthcare. It can be done, someone just has to have the guts to stand and do it. Politics is too much about a popularity contest with the lobbyist than actually addressing real issues faced by the people. Ok stepping off soapbox :)Thanks for your comment.

  4. There is so much truth in these words. As an American living abroad, I see daily what America can do better (health care and guns are at the top of my list). The country has so many strengths, but until its broken political system is fixed and widespread greed is curbed, we’ll just be spinning our wheels.

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