She’s Got Talent- The Writers Edition

So Miss Gremlin has talent, it seems the writing gene carried through…. The King writes, Grand Master D writes film scripts and you know I wrote cos you’re here reading it… but who knew the little gremlin was a writer too! And it’s impressive, we’re a family of writers. What is the collective noun for that anyway? Sorry… squirrel.

So I asked her if I could share her story with you. Here’s how that went….

Mummy crawled into bed with me this morning and caught me at a weak moment. She wanted to use my story for her blog, heeeellooooo… I wasn’t even awake. It was still dark and this crazy woman gets in my bed and starts talking at me! Apparently I said yes but I wasn’t listening and now I have share. Whatever….


I’m Edward Jacobs and I have a story to tell you. One summer night I was lying in bed when all of a sudden ‘BAM!’ lightning struck the house and I passed out.

The next thing I remember,  I was in a movie! I was a computer genius and I had to live the movie through and through! When it ended I felt a sudden shock and my heart stopped! I could hear a faint ‘click click’. It sounded like a remote, all the lights turned off as if the tv turned off. I decided to explore. After 20 minutes of wandering I found a door. I proceeded to open it, suddenly a brilliant flash of white light burst forth and I entered what looked like a control room. I was trying desperately to get out of the movie so I ‘accidentally’ hit the button and the next thing I knew I was in another movie.

I was starting to get that I had to follow the story plot to get to the next control room. It went on like that for the next 300 movies so I decided to go a different way.

I followed the story plot backwards. It got a little hard saying everything backwards so I just pretended to freeze up. I got hit a couple of times But I was ok!  🙂

I found another door and I was slightly more hesitant with this one because I didn’t want to do 200 more movies, now I know how actors feel. Suddenly, I felt a huge shock and I passed out. The next thing I knew was my older brothers were slapping me in bed! ‘What happened’ I said. ‘Well, you were peacefully asleep and we had to stop that!” they said

However I don’t think I was dreaming because I can still hear that annoying click!!!!!

The End………or is it?


So there it is, my little Miss Gremlin has an imagination and is not afraid to use it.

Hannah the writer

Comments 14

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  1. Wow! Love it! What a great little storyteller! You must be proud. I know I beam with pride every time I come across something my 11 year old daughter has written. My 7 year old son announced recently that he wants to be a writer too. Her writing and his wish are the ultimate compliments to me. 🙂

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