So Much Violence-And yet Nothing Changes

In the last few weeks, there’s been more shocking news of gun violence. A man was shot and killed in a movie theatre for texting, for TEXTING! Really? It was so offensive to the perpetrator, that he snapped and murdered someone? Over texting? I’m horrified, bewildered, ashamed and shocked beyond belief that this could happen.  A middle school student had a shotgun at school in New Mexico, shooting and injuring 2 students, yep another school. And another crazy killed 2 people in a shopping mall in Maryland. These are not gangland streets where you might consider this type of violence could happen, these places are civilised, mainstream, everyday places where innocent people go for entertainment, education and shopping. And that’s just the incidents that make national news! There are probably dozens more.

When are we going to do something about this? It is proven daily that people are too stupid to have access to or be walking around carrying deadly weapons. We live in a society where we can no longer feel safe because we have no idea who’s packing and who’s not. What the ever loving FRACK people. Where have all the good people gone? Children are being shot taking the garbage out, playing in the street, in their living rooms, in playgrounds, in schools, in shopping malls. I hate to harp on a topic but enough, enough loss of innocent life, enough pain.
As a nation America is hurting, not just from gun violence but all violence, and yet we condone it by allowing nothing to change, we need to make more noise, way more noise. We need to shame people for committing crimes, we need to make it so unappealing that people will no longer commit them for fear of the consequences, cos right now there are none.

Gunmen killing unarmed teens get off, policemen beating unarmed mentally ill men are getting off, boys who rape drunk girls are getting off. Men shooting unarmed women who are knocking on doors for help. Who is being punished exactly? It’s like we’re back in the Wild West.

We’re in a load of trouble, we have to sort this out. We need someone with enough balls to stand up and say enough, without pandering to special interest groups no matter how much money they promise. For the good of the people…. ALL the people.

It makes me mad, frustrated, sad, worried, scared and a little bit stabby, yeah I know that’s violent too, whatever.

Where are our conscientious objectors? The Malcolm X or Martin Luther King Jr of this time, our time? Someone whose passionate enough to start a grass roots movement. Forcing the changes for a better, safer America? I want them.

Any contenders?

Comments 8

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  1. Would love for someone to step up and embrace this issue but it’s so much bigger than just gunslingers – mental health, self-esteem, substance abuse…where to start?

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  2. No one is passionate about anything anymore that’s the problem. Many years ago people used to be concerned about their neighbors, not anymore. Now it’s all about who has what and what celebrity did what this week. It’s a really a shame and I think it will only get worse.

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