Less Chocolate, More Fun This Easter

Hop into Easter with FernWith Easter almost upon us, the stores are filled with chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs and baskets and all manner of other teeth rotting rubbish. As parents we want to give our children the fun stuff but we also worry with the ever increasing rates of obesity in this country, right?!

That the kids might be getting too much junk.Everything is done to excess here. It’s the American way 🙂  So what can we do to still give them something fun without going over board on chocolate and candy?

That’s where my friend Fern comes to the rescue, she’s written an Easter album of fun kids songs. It’s something more substantial than some chocolate eggs don’t you think?

So while you’re shopping for all the children in your lives this Easter, why not pop a cd in their baskets, which they can enjoy the whole year long and remember Easter a little longer than just a day for chocolate eggs and bunnies.







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