Miss Gremlin graduated from elementary school on Tuesday. That’s 5th grade for those not up with US schooling.
She’s moving onto middle school, junior high, 6th grade through 8th grade. Actually she’s going to a secondary school so she’ll stay put until 12th grade but now you all know how it works over here.
Miss Gremlin dressed in her gladrags and rocked her dance presentation and got on the AB honour roll and a certificate from a local senator…
She’s awesome and we’re very proud.
Comments 5
I will miss ms.gremlin immensely!
We’ll still be around… AND now you can friend her 😛
Congrats ! Time sure flies
Miss Gremlin is going places!! What a wonderful time in her life! Suck it all in Miss G….plenty of us out here who are proud of your accomplishments (especially we Math and Science geeks!)…..thanks for being a good example for kids all over! FIST BUMPS!
Thanks! She sure is a special kid… I will pass on your kind words.