Blizzard 2015-Don’t Lose your Mind

We have a blizzard about to hit the North East, a 250 mile front stretching from Pennsylvania to Maine. It’s expected to dump upwards of 2 feet of snow, in some areas closer to 3. They’re calling it a possible record storm. They’re preparing for the worst.

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But it’s still just a snowstorm, we have them every winter. We know how to handle them even if the weathermen are frothing at the mouth, that’s their job! They live for this shit!

But the people are in a frenzy, buying out supermarkets and hardware stores.Waiting in line for hours. Now I get that in the suburbs because you could very well be stranded in your home as roads will be cut off. You may even lose power but for the frenzy to exist in NYC makes me laugh.

We live in apartment buildings, the snow gets shovelled off the sidewalks, the ploughs work 24/7 and the supermarkets are usually only a block or two from your home. You can walk! NYC never loses power and the subway system underground continues to run. Why oh why are people stocking up and making a run on milk and bread like it’s the end of the world?

It’s crazy!

Anyway, so far, the snow has begun but the blizzard doesn’t begin until tonight.

Our terrace looks like this.IMG_0121


Tomorrow may be a different story.

I’m excited!

If you’re in an area where storms are dangerous and you may lose power, be sure to stock up on essentials and charge all devices. Stay warm and dry, be careful when shovelling snow. Make sure you clear your vents.

But if you live in NYC, calm down people, just watch the snow pile up and enjoy the muted noise for a change.

By Thursday it will be gross outside.

New York snow really is the grossest thing on the planet.


Comments 2

  1. I had to come by because I saw your post on FB and was like, wait, she must be in NY!

    Growing up in Brooklyn and living all around NYC over the years I can say that no matter what hit us we never shut down!

    I was about to say I need to call my mom – and she just called – crazy that the schools are already closed.

    Anyway, be safe and warm and walk over to the store for your extras if you need them.

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