Back to Titanic-The Food Edition

The post earlier this week was all about the function, today is all about the food. When you go to an event that serves an 11 course meal it’s worth talking about.

This meal was exquisite and it just kept coming with the precision of synchronised swimmers. There must have been 200 hundred waiters in black pants and grey vests. It was like a floor show in itself.

The evening’s menu was beautiful, inspired by the original 1st class menu.

Titanic II menu

When we got to our table, it was quite striking! It was a table of glass, there were glasses everywhere. With 11 courses to serve there was quite a selection of wine.



the menu


The china was beautiful and a replica from the original Titanic china.

titanic china

Our courses came swiftly and regularly.

1st course

There was beef and salmon and lamb and duck…

2nd course

We had oysters and scallops and soup…

3rd course

At the end they brought us poached pears, profiteroles and cheese.

There was so much food that came continuously. The waiters looked like the broomsticks from the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, moving simultaneously and constantly…

There were a couple of courses we didn’t capture, I forgot ok…but they were just as exquisite.

The wines complimented all dishes and every glass on the table was used, they served several white wines and reds, then port and coffee to finish off the meal…

The waiters were excellent at keeping up with the wine consumption, usually when we’re out I order every wine, even if I’m not going to drink it, just so the King will have enough wine until the waiters come back. This has always been a thing…but these guys were so on the ball I didn’t relinquish my glass once.

We totally felt so fancy … the portions were small but there were many, so we thought it should be enough to satisfy our hunger.

There were 11 courses after all.

It wasn’t.

Where’s the midnight slice?



Comments 10

  1. What an amazing event this must have been! The food looks delicious, but then again, with 200+ waiters swarming around on the “Titanic”, why wouldn’t it?;-)

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      I know it was so beautiful but we were hungry when we got home and we’d been eating for hours! An 11 course meal gets tiresome…. I know that sounds snobby but it’s true.

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  2. When I started reading I was like “Wow, 11 courses – who can eat that.” But now that you say it was small, it makes a little more sense. Imagine if there had been bigger servings!

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