Christmas Is Warm Downunder YO!



Here’s 10 reasons you should have a Southern Hemisphere Christmas at least once in your lifetime. The first 36 Christmases of my life were hot! It wasn’t until we moved to New York in 2005 that we experienced a cold, snowy Christmas. I can see benefits of both but I really do love the warmth.

1. It’s warm and you can have a gathering at the Beach…The Beach people!

Imagine enjoying a holiday party by the beach, think 4th of July but as a Christmas or Hanukkah celebration. Did I mention the beach already? Ok good!

2. You don’t have to slave over a hot stove cooking food because you just serve cold cuts and salads or prawns…yes you can throw one on the barbie.

Holiday meals should be easy, not hard and stressful. Christmas is about friends and family, so summer food is so much easier to prepare, right?

3. You can do everything outside and keep your home tidy.

Come on, let’s face it, we all love to throw parties but who wants to clean up? When you have outside parties it’s easier to handle. There’s less mess and your home doesn’t get trashed. Unless it’s one of THOSE parties.. then you’re on your own

4. You don’t have travel concerns or delays like snow storms to hinder your time with your family.

You’ve all experienced it, Great Aunt Myrtle is stuck at the airport and has missed Christmas dinner, if she’s lucky she might get out by friday! It’s put an entire damper on the festivities… especially because she always brings the best gifts and her special spiked punch recipe is a family tradition.

5. After the feast everyone can go for walks or nap on the lawn outside.

You know after Thanksgiving turkey how everyone just crashes on the sofa in front of the football. It looks like the castle in Sleeping Beauty when the witch casts the spell. Well if you have Christmas in the warm weather, all those bodies can pass out on the lawn and I guarantee the neighbours won’t worry because they’re all doing it too! You can all enjoy the sunshine together.

6. Most cities and towns hold outdoor Carols by Candlelight concerts. They’re awesome and really get you in the Christmas mood

Carols By Candlelight were always a highlight for me as a kid, the local community would run a Concert, with local celebrities hosting. Crowds of people outside singing Christmas Carols and enjoying the season together is so wonderful.

7. Going on the Christmas lights tour is warmer and you can walk the streets getting a good look at all the displays.

You can get out and wander around the street, many homes set up Santaland’s like the Halloween tradition… but for Christmas!

8. It’s Summer!

I could go on and on about how wonderful the warm weather is but we all know that Summer is a winner and having Christmas in the warmth instead of the snow is really a treat. If you’ve never done it I suggest a trip to the southern part of the globe to experience it. Put it on your bucket list, it’s well worth it.Oh and school’s out for 6 weeks. N’uf said!

9. It’s always easier to shop in warm weather.

This time of year with all the shopping going on, wouldn’t you prefer the malls to be easily accessible and parking lots not to be filled with snow and ice.

10. Santa doesn’t use reindeer in Australia!

He comes in a sleigh pulled by ‘big white boomers! ‘(Large white Kangaroos). Also Australia is ahead a day in time, so you’re in the future and Christmas comes there first. Don’t you want to be first at something? Sure you do!

If you ever get a chance in your life to have a Summer Christmas, you should really just go for it. You might even decide you like it!

Comments 8

  1. Do you have Australian Christmas carols? I know that’s a ridiculous question, but so many Christmas carols reference the snow and such… Isn’t it weird to sing about “dashing through the snow”? Did Kylie Minogue ever do a remake where she’s “dashing through the sand”?

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  2. This really is an experience I would like to have at least once in my lifetime. This, and Christmas in London. We don’t think Christmas should be limited to your house.

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