Sid The Sitcom Star

So for a week now, since his escape, we’ve fretted and worried our dear Sid Fishious was either dodging planes, in a ditch in Jersey City or at the bottom of the Hudson river. We scanned the skies and ground everywhere we walked and in the vain hope of finding him, we kept a watch, left the door open and hoped he’d come home.

Thursday night, while the King was in Spain and I had the remote all to myself, as I was flicking I caught the last 10 minutes of the new Michael J. Fox show. I love Michael J. Fox and I applaud him for being brave enough to share his disease with the world in a sitcom. So brave and awesome and just damn cool.

As the credits began rolling imagine my surprise when I saw my boy! There he was on primetime tv for all the world to see.

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I felt so proud, he’s gone from us but onto bigger and better things.   You’re a star Sid Fishious, a  star!

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He’s giving me a kiss and telling me he’s A-OK.

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And I see he’s still up to his old tricks of bombarding people when they least expect it!

Here’s the full episode in case you want to watch.

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