Sir Lickalot has a girlfriend, He doesn’t see her much because we can’t handle the stress but when he does, he’s an all or nothing boy!
Miss Vegas belongs to the Princess and when she’s in da house, it’s total KAOS.
The kids want her attention, Sir Lickalot wants her attention. I just wanna reach for something fully bodied and strong and hide where they can’t get me.
After several hours of being here you’d think they would calm down and just enjoy being together ………………………
This is not that kind of love.
Here is the last visit in pictures. I thought it was never gonna end!
She’s small and he’s big but that doesn’t stop him from following, at least he’s learned to wait on the other side and not go under the small things. …….. mostly.
Her evil plot to kill this dog via heart attack seems to be working
After several hours of around and around……. can you see it’s dark now!
And then I put her in with Miss Gremlin to sleep so I could relax in peace without them going around and around and around and around and………oh you get the point.
But of course she kept coming out, just as Sir Lickalot finally settled, just cos she’s a shit stirring muppet!